We took a mini road trip north to visit Nonno. He's 90 years old!!! I was delighted that I had brought my camera because Nonno has been keeping busy turning toothpicks and bones-that's right bones-I'm talking chicken bones, pork bones-into works of art.
I was looking through my files and found these pieces from Art Basel, once again I didn't pay attention to who the Artist is, but I love it, I think they stand about seven or so inches tall. What do you think they are saying to each other?
Oh I forgot to plug my post I did for A Designer Spot for Art Basel! It's about interiors so that's relevant, read it here
Always quick with a verse He spits out rhymes as if by obsession or a curse...
Excuse my absence, like I cannot believe it's been over a month since my last post. Where is time taking us in such a hurry?! No doubt the old folks home...so this old poet is my latest attempt in making polymer clay dolls, and you know what? It's tedious and I kind of hate it. I'm thinking of making molds for hands and feet because these are my least favorite. People who've seen my dolls (in real life) well many of them have said they look like voodoo dolls. Funny enough as I was making the old poet's clothes I kept thinking 'the needle not the finger.' And coincidentally enough the needle kept going in my finger!!! Anyway this is the motto of this gentleman I met at an art event a few weeks back. Actually I cant stop thinking of him! See the doll atop his hat? Well he makes these voodoo dolls for road rage, his motto is 'the needle not the finger'. His logic: rather than get angry and blow someone's head off, use his voodoo doll against those who piss you off while driving! Wow. He even told me he puts a lock of his own hair inside each doll. Jake who was with me whispered 'Voodoo dolls? That's creepy... let's get out of here.'
I found these pictures on a German art & fashion blog (sorry I lost sight of the blog so I can't give credit!), and of course my eyes saw the most perfect miniature room. Do you see it too?
Most importantly I would love for the walls of my dollhouse to look like this. I guess you'd call this shabby chic? Honestly I wouldn't know where to begin? Perhaps some expert reader of mine could share some advice on how to accomplish this effect for the walls of my very naked dollhouse???
I bought come acrylic craft paint, can I use that to paint the walls??? I really don't want to go the wallpaper route.
Ok it's almost 5 a.m. gotta be up in two hours to get Jake off to school, at this point I might as well stay and keep working on stuff, I can sleep in the afterlife!
Would Jessica Simpson consider this Chicken of the Sea??? LOL.
While shopping for supplies Jake told me 'I'm glad to see you're back to playing with clay again.' :D
Everything hand crafted using paper, clay, watercolors and wood. If you like what you see, each can be purchased for $20.00 plus shipping. They can be as is or made into pins, rings or even pendant. Let me know! Email all inquiries to thevisionarybutterfly@gmail.com
These were hanging on the wall of a restaurant. I couldn't resist snapping pictures of them. I would say the bar scene is my favorite of them all, the little glasses, bottles and even the pack of cigarette are so adorable.
A special thank you and welcome to my new followers. Thank you Jas, Tishanab, and Leo Furtado, daydreamer, and susanne, small thoughts, Josie and Chipironni as well as thank you to everyone!
Besides that I have nothing to say or show. But I've been productive! As soon as I solve the mystery of the missing SD card for my camera, I can do a show and tell.
Oh! I was looking around on Etsy the other day and came across a lady who makes dollhouses for learning disabled children maybe even Autistic I think, but anyway you might know who I'm refferring to because in miniatures it's a small world. I couldn't help but think how cool to use it as a learning tool, then again the origin of the dollhouse began as a way to teach girls how to take care of the household. So fascinating! But I prefer miniature housework anytime over real housework.
I watched Valley of the Dolls courtesy of Youtube for the first time the other day. It was not what I expected but hey it was the 60's. If they were to remake the movie it would be scandalous. I want a doll! I want a doll! Or I will boil you in oil!
This one is the star of the show. She's watercolor and charcoal (they all are).
These images like my banner are from my "in progress" paper doll fashion show...built inside a really cool cabinet I found at a garage sale. Right now I can't find any pictures of it...
It's commonplace as a miniature enthusiasts at some point you begin to see everything in miniature, and believe you me I see everything on a small scale! Sometimes I wish for a magic miniaturizing wand :D I've been holding onto this photo I tore out of Budget Traveler a long time ago. I am so in love with the finish of the facade, the balconies and windows, and overall broken down look of the structure. This would make a fine miniature. I am not much of a builder as I've stated before but more so a decorator. At least that is the pleasurable aspect. I am thinking of how I can incorporate the color scheme of the building on the interior walls of my dollhouse...
One of my chairs I made for the music room.
On a side note last night I dreamt I created the most perfect male clay doll ever. The memory of the dream was almost enough to make me want to play with the clay today, unfortunately it did not happen :/
It was not my intention to neglect the blog for so long. The last few months I've pondered how to return from my departure. Then today Jake and I had a little thrifting adventure. We came across this black and white photograph of two bananas in bed together. This for some reason reminds me of the joke: 'Why did the banana take off it's clothes? Because it had appeal.' Or something like that.
The photo mounted on poster board is damaged but coupled with my other find below (the bicycle) turned out to be free of charge and equaled a damn good find ;) I sent Jake over to the owner to inquire of the price and when the man told him it was free Jake was very confused. The man explained to him 'Sometimes some things in life are free'. Bless his heart.
At the same store I also found the following and felt the need to spend some money seeing the owner had been so generous. He said the pieces were old. I figured the tub and toilet and figures could be used for some future project... The two figures and the toilet/tub cost me $10. My mom says the figures are spooky though I insist they are just miniatures.
Sincere thank you to those who have joined my blog and showing interest. It really tickles my fancy!
I relocated the dollhouse to a room that gets more natural light for better photographing. I even gave it a much needed cleaning. Putting the furniture back it suddenly dawned on me a better layout for the kitchen. I removed the floor paper which hardly looked natural and even added a sink. I still don't know what to do about the walls, I'm thinking a wainscoting or something, and i really do want real tiled floors. What do you think of the new layout?
Can you tell that I admire the German dollhouse kitchens of the early days?! Speaking of I had the most awesome butter churn but I lost it, I've lost a lot of things :) But I am grateful to the things I've held onto and can make :)
I've been wanting a little boy for the dollhouse so I made a go at it the other night. Jake suggested we name him Jake. Coincidentally this miniature Jake keeps the messiest room and always wants to go to the beach.
This bed is my first attempt at making miniature furniture like almost 9 years ago. I wish I had taken a close up of the monkey toy on the pillow (next time). That's a red sailboat on the headboard, and the complimenting toy box with a chug boat painted on front, unfortunately the back and lid have been lost. Maybe I can muster the magic to make another.
Ok. It's bed time for me. Before I go welcome to visitors/New followers. I got my first blog award from Norma of Make Mine Mini, I will do that next post. Thanks to all, and all a good night/morning/day!