I'm in my studio y'all-working on that garden. Having lofty ideas LIKE a Koi Pond and Stairs! I've been staring at this photo for two days now
dreaming wondering how I can incorporate some of these beloved elements in this photo such as the stairs, the doors and those potted plants.
Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence-whether much that is glorious-whether all that is profound-does not spring from disease of thought-from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect.
They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. In their grey vision they obtain glimpses of eternity.... They penetrate, however rudderless or compassless, into the vast ocean of the "light affable." (Edgar Allan Poe, cited in Galloway, 1986, p. 243 ).