He spits out rhymes as if by obsession or a curse...
Excuse my absence, like I cannot believe it's been over a month since my last post. Where is time taking us in such a hurry?! No doubt the old folks home...so this old poet is my latest attempt in making polymer clay dolls, and you know what? It's tedious and I kind of hate it. I'm thinking of making molds for hands and feet because these are my least favorite. People who've seen my dolls (in real life) well many of them have said they look like voodoo dolls. Funny enough as I was making the old poet's clothes I kept thinking 'the needle not the finger.' And coincidentally enough the needle kept going in my finger!!! Anyway this is the motto of this gentleman I met at an art event a few weeks back. Actually I cant stop thinking of him!
See the doll atop his hat? Well he makes these voodoo dolls for road rage, his motto is 'the needle not the finger'. His logic: rather than get angry and blow someone's head off, use his voodoo doll against those who piss you off while driving! Wow. He even told me he puts a lock of his own hair inside each doll. Jake who was with me whispered 'Voodoo dolls? That's creepy... let's get out of here.'